
a disheveled library-gal comes clean

Sunday, January 01, 2006

breaking it down

I don't think its possible to just say "I'm gonna lose some weight," and then like Voila - you lose weight. I think, as with most things, you have to break it down into smaller steps. So. Here are all the things I must do in order to trim the fat:

1. drink more water. current drinks of h2o per day = zero. not good.
2. exercise more. current exercise regime = pushing my son in his stroller approx .75 miles, when I get the chance., ie, when its not too cold, or I'm not too tired, or get the idea. not good.
3. eat breakfast. current first meal of the day = lunch. not good.
4. stop smoking. current intake of smokes = 4 to 5 per week. not bad, but not good either.
5.get more rest. current hours per night sleeping = 5? 6? ...4? not sure. not good.
6. eat better food. current per week trips to fast food = 1 to 2. not good.
7. have more fiber. current idea of what the hell fiber is = ziltch. no idea. not good.

OK. That said, here's what I'll work on:
1st I'll try the water thing. I hate water. It's either too cold, so it hurts your teeth, or its too warm, and it tastes disgusting. And it makes you pee too much. I'm not into the whole 10 glasses a day thing, either. I have to work up to that. So - starting tomorrow -- I'll get in at least 3 glasses of water a day. I know that sounds ridiculous, but to me, thats a huge milestone -- Remember, I hate water. So - think good thoughts, and bare with me -- its gonna be a long haul!


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