
a disheveled library-gal comes clean

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Good Grief

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Well, for some, yes -- it is. For others, not so much. For all of you out there who are feeling less than merry this holiday season, I have a favor to ask... Let It Go... For one day, one week, one month, step outside your blanket of woe and come into the light. It's warm out here. People ARE Good. People DO Care. And your nay-saying grief-mongering needs to take a backseat to this time of wonder. Yes, I said it - wonder. I know, I know, so-and-so's sick, so-and-so's passed on, so-and-so's breathing down your neck with $$$ you owe, SO?! Wadda-ya gonna do? Nothing will change today, Nothing will change tomorrow. You'll wake up in the morning and all your problems will still be here. So give yourself a break and Be Happy, Be Nice, Be F-ing Polite, Be In Charge Of Your Emotions!!! Tomorrow you can go back to being your same old miserable piece of shit.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I know, I know -- I haven't written a post in a very long time. Well, honestly its just been pretty boring lately. I think things go in cycles, and lately the cycle hasn't been funny, so I haven't written anything. I've been getting up, going to work, coming home, eating dinner, hanging with my family, and going to bed --


The anti-abortion guy still stands outside every day. Even in this cold. Now we know for certain he's a moron. I see him every freaking morning, and 3 out of 5 mornings I give him the finger.

I was laughing at myself the other day at just how many mood swings/mood changes I go through just on the 20 minute ride into work. I'll break it down for you:
8:30 - running late, need to leave the house now, slightly annoyed, running around the house like a lunatic shouting things at everyone
8:34 - finally in the car, filled with guilt over leaving my family to head off to work
8:35 - totally psyched! there's an awsome song on the radio
8:36 - singing. totally happy.
8:37 - pissed. I ran so late I'm stuck at the frickin railroad tracks. again.
8:38 - calmed. train has moved on. another good tune to hum to.
8:39 - there's that prick bastard anti-abortion idiot on the side of the road!! murderous rage! he must die!!
8:42 - hey, I missed that light, cool -- maybe I can make up for lost time and hit the parkway ok
8:43 - shit - hit the 2nd light -- I really need to get moving! Frustration seeps in. Sip my coffee. Pop a calm-the-belly pill.
8:47 - ahhhh, yes, finally - I'm almost on the parkway, we're movin, movin
8:47- what the frick!? Why does this guy cut me off just to Sit There At The Toll!!? Find Your Damn Quarter on your own time!! I'm late!!
8:48 - Smiling like a cheshire cat - blew off the idiot and am now heading toward my cruising speed of 85
8:57 - Still hovering around 80 - here's my exit -- looks good, I got 3 minutes to make it into work - very happy, but anxious
8:59 - Where do all these idiots come from!? That jack is doing 30 in a 45!! C'mon! I got like 1 mile left!!
9:01 - Pulling into the parking lot. I'm not all that late - here's some of my co-workers also getting in now. Sigh of relief.

I am a certifiable nut case!!