Off the Bus
Did you ever read Electric KoolAid Acid Test? Well, in it, there's the expression "on the bus" and "off the bus" -- If you're not sure what I'm talking about, read the book, its excellent -- But, the reason I mention this, is I have to say as far as blogging goes, I've been off the bus for a while... My apologies, but seriously, you wouldn't have wanted me to be on.
Another highlight -- When we drove from Tempe to L.A., that was the longest driving day on the journey, spending about 5 hours crossing the dessert. During that time we went through an unbelieveable sand storm, and came out the other side to see the ominous landscape of windmills... It was totally eerie.. Mind you, I was the only one in the car that thought this was horror-movie-esque -- my husband and children proceeded to laugh at me, but seriously, all I could hear was that clickety clacky noises those people made with their teeth in that dark and stupid movie, whos name I totally forget right now ... Dark City? is that it?... Hated It!
And lastly, one of the scarier experiences of the trip -- Visiting an ice cave in the middle of nowhere, by way of 3 flights of rickety old wooden stairs carved into the side of an old volcano pit.... Remember the broken butt story of last summer? Me and Stairs just haven't gotten along since! But I Did It -- Yea Me.
So - being Back On -- What shinanigans can I tell you about? Bad Behaviour has been rampant here in library land and ... well... its not that interesting :)
Personally, I took my kids "cross country" this spring break. It wasn't all the way across like you picture the big road trip to be, but it was part-way... We flew to New Mexico, and from there, drove old Route 66 to Flagstaff AZ, then left 66 and went down to Tempe and then from there drove to L.A.
I think I could talk for days and weeks on end about this trip, but for space and for your enjoyment sanity, I'll only mentionsome amusing highlights -- The first, was a place we passed in Flagstaff on our way to dinner --
I just love Freedom of Speech!