
a disheveled library-gal comes clean

Monday, July 31, 2006

alone time

So, like what is it with me that I have such a hard time figuring out what the heck to do with myself when I have some time alone? Case in point: this morning. Its a Monday, but I have off today because my husband has jury duty, and someone has to be here to watch the kids. But one is off at camp, and the other is sleeping. I too should be sleeping, but instead, I have been up since 6:30, wishing like crazy I was tired and could just go back to sleep!!!

So I'm up. And the house is quiet. And I'm like lookin around like 'hmmm, oh-kayyy,.. now what!?' What is wrong with me! I could clean, but who wants to spend their free alone time cleaning? I could pay the bills, but, well, I just did that! I could watch tv, but ... Why!? I guess I could read... but I'm really not in the mood. ARGHH. So here I am writing this horribly boring post, and here I am clicking Publish!


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