
a disheveled library-gal comes clean

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

independence day

4th of July rocks. The fireworks in RB were totally awesome, and I'm not sure which was better, the light show, or the people show. At one point I was sitting watching the crowd move past me, and it kinda reminded me of that strange camera angle in Lost where you just see the scrubby feet and disheveled legs walk by you -- some people were in seriously bad condition, and yet others it was like a night out in the city. Hilarious to see. Great to be a part of.

In other news, I made eye contact with anti-rights man during an easing of the brakes traffic moment, and gave him the finger in slo-mo. It made my morning to see his little beady eyes scowl at me as he acknowledged my f.u. to him and his retarded presence on the sidewalk. He is still there, every day, and every day I want to run him over. This relationship is seriously not healthy.

Lastly, to quote a really stupid tee shirt that all too many posers wear these days, Life Is Good. It is. Even with all the mean people and idiotic drivers, and friends and family who constantly knock you down and beat you up... Still, its good. I am reveling in my dishevelment, and I Feel Fine.


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