
a disheveled library-gal comes clean

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Being so busy you can't even stop and think is actually very exhilarating.

Today: I got up, went to a different branch within my same library system for a meeting. I was called upon, (without prior heads-up) to introduce myself, the podcasting station, and tell assorted facts about myself. In talking about John I almost lost it and cried on the Director's shoulder, but I pulled through.

Then: leave the meeting, go to lunch, go back to my own branch, go to another meeting.

Then: meeting ends, work day is over, go home(read: drive for an hour) and eat dinner with the kids (scarffed a slice while standing next to the sink and watched my kids on the swing in the back yard).

Next: we're out the door and over to the fire house for a Girl Scout meeting, (I'm a co-leader). Give up on getting the girls to just sit the h down and stop screaming.

Leave the meeting, and head over to the school for a school board meeting, where, after listening to people (read: adults acting like children) argue for almost 2 hours, I get up to the mike and say my peace. Ahhh-- that felt great!

What a Long Friggin Day! I'll name it and those of its kind the LFD's. It's now late, I'm killing time (communicating with You, wink wink) waiting for Lost to end so that I can watch it on the dvr and go to bed, hopefully this week with some added knowledge as to what the hell is going on on that island! (yes, yes, I know it'll never happen, but I can hope, can't I?)

Like Helen Reddy, who said it best, I am woman and I am invincible!


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