
a disheveled library-gal comes clean

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

drivin tunes

Probably the best thing - no - maybe perhaps the Only thing that is great about driving to work, is listening to the radio. And nowadays there are so many options for things to listen to in the car -- satellite radio, mp3 player, cds, ..Whatever. My favorite thing though, hands down, beats them all, is switching around the dials and finding a gem of a song that you haven't heard in like years, and just totally rocks.

I love all kinds of music. Truly. I do. Perhaps country and I don't mix well, but that's it -- Most other kinds of music I'll give an ear to. Oh, wait, I also don't like this crazy Asian soap opera shit my husband listens to, but we're talking American radio here.

If I had to describe my "genre" of preference, I'd say 80's music. Aghh, I know, I know... I feel your pain too... I don't mean THAT 80's music.. the shit that we didn't like even back then, and that is totally not cool now... (99 luft balloons, come on eileen, anything by the go go's.... crap! pure crap)... I mean like when you're in the car, and you're cruising at 80mph on the Parkway trying to get the hell home, and the Clash's Train in Vain comes on. (was that 70's? or 80's? ...whatever) Or, you're heading into work, kinda still waking up, and you hear a melancholy song like The Smithereens one "I'm in a lonely place without you." Cripes! It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. One minute I'm thinking about getting in to work and getting things done, the next, I'm back in 8th grade being a total drama queen over some guy who hasn't called me back yet -- pacing my bedroom, waiting for the phone! Or thinking about those times the phone did ring, and I'd "escape" with my friends to somewhere we shouldn't have gone. Why were we so ready to jump a train into the city? What were we thinking? I'm so glad I made it out alive! :) But that's a whole other story...

But driving, and hearing something phenomenal that you haven't heard in forever...Priceless! I heard the Who's "You better you bet" the other night after visiting my 94 year old grandma in her assisted living facility. I left there feeling so totally down and out, but then I got in the car, and I heard those few little electronica sounding notes and my face just lit up. Those lyrics are just too damn good to not sing along all the way home... "I'm not into your passport picture, I just like your nose!" I dare you to not smile at that!! Mix that with a daydream visual of Roger Daltrey back in the day with those tight blue jeans and long curly hair... whoa baby... hold on!


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