
a disheveled library-gal comes clean

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

all that glitters

What a week! And its only Wednesday. This week I am living up to my blog-name -- I started my new job on Monday, and have felt so completely disheveled. Actually, while AT the job I feel good. Its just when I am leaving, driving home, and thinking about the whirlwind of a day I've had, and getting home, and sitting down finally, that the Dishevel hits me. I mean, look, its 7:20 pm, and I'm in my jammies. Well, actually, I always change into jammies when I get home. But I don't match. Usually my pjs match, or at least are in the came frump category, like t-shirts go with sweats, nightgowns go with robes, 2 piece jammies go with, well, they're 2 pieces - they go with each other! Tonight I'm wearing a short nightgown with sweatpants and then a crazy fuzzy cardigan -- what the hell? And I think my hair is doing a Cinderella on me - once it struck 6pm it turned into a chiuaua. Wait - thats not a fuzzy dog -- whats a fuzzy dog? A schnauzer? Anyway, you get the hint. I'm a mess and Lost hasn't even started. And forget about all domestic duties. I have barely started the dishwasher.

But I love this new job! And thats cool. And I guess its ok to hold it all together by day and then dish out the dishevelment in the pm.

Oh - and btw - Median Man was back again this weekend. Someone gave him a coat too. Womans coat. Purple. Fuzzy hood. Not great, but we're getting there people.


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