murderous rage
One month ago we moved to a new house -- (same town, different house), so my route to work has changed. On my way to work I pass by the local Planned Parethood clinic, which, among other things, provides abortions --And every day there is this old man out in front protesting. He wears a kind of flag or banner (floor length) around his neck of the Virgin Mary, and he holds up a crucifix ala Statue of Liberty style. Every day I get angry inside at him. Some days I put my window down and yell "go home!" and I feel better. Most days I have this kind of day dream where I see myself throwing a big juicy rotten Jersey tomato right at his head -- which, if you know me, is funny, because I don't throw. Really. When someone asks me to just chuck their keys at them, or toss them a pen, I won't. I hate to throw. But in this day dream I have a sunroof in my car (currently I have none), and through the sun roof I lob this incredibly huge, fat, red, squishy tomato out the sunroof, where it flies through the air and lands Splat! right on the guys balding head. Then everything goes black and white and birds appear like an Alfred Hitchcock movie and he gets pecked to death by this swarm of unruly seagulls and blackbirds -- all the while tomato juice and seeds just flying everywhere. It's awsome. Then I continue on to work, and I feel so silly for having that moment of murderous rage. Does this count as road rage, since I'm in the car, and I'm angry? Or, since he's not in a car, is it just called plain ole' rage? What if I ran over him and made him into a hood ornament? Would that be road rage, since then he'd be a part of my car? And just why does this old man bother me so? I feel bad for the people inside the clinic. Or, I wonder if they are just used to him by now, like we are at the library used to our crazy people. I wonder if they look out their windows at him and just say "yeah, crazy Ed is out there again. boy must he be hot." I wonder if he, in turn, is used to them as well -- does he say "good morning Dr. Abortion Man/Woman" to them as they all get out of their cars in the morning, ready to start their day? Can you imagine? What if they took coffee breaks together, and then went back to their posts -- the workers to their clinic work, crazy old holy roller Ed to his little stretch of sidewalk. I wonder if they live in this kind of peaceful love/hate zen state with one another -- you do your thing, we'll do ours? So -- I guess it's silly for me to get filled with rage at this guy -- he's just doing what he wants to do, even though I think he's wrong, and he should spend his retirement some other way - who am I to judge? And wasn't the whole crux of the matter the fact that I thought his protesting was a judgement of those who he has no right to judge? (besides, men have NO PLACE to tell us gals what to do with our bodies -- until they can get pregnant, they can shut the ... frick --- here I go getting angry again!) He is of no consequence to me or my life! I'm feeling a change -- tomorrow will be interesting -- maybe I'll give him a bottle of water. Maybe. It sure is hot out there.
At 8/11/2005 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
If anti-abortion guy is too stupid to bring his own freaking water, then let him martyr himself.
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